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Are you addicted to stress at work?

Are you addicted to stress at work? Take a moment and consider the following questions: Do you find that you're consistently in a state of crisis at work, with one fire to put out after another? Do you regularly reject solutions that are offered for the problems...

The difference between effective managers and micromanagers

Effective Managers vs Micromanagers There's so much talk about the difference between leaders and bosses, but the question in itself is flawed - it assumes that everyone in a management role falls into the same bucket. Fundamentally, the two concepts are different....

A framework for employee engagement: Hierarchy of employee needs

A framework for employee engagement: Hierarchy of employee needs Remember back to that time you took psychology 101 in college, and one of the first things you probably learned was Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. It might have looked a little something like this:...

The employee empowerment paradox

The Employee Empowerment Paradox When I discuss employee engagement, one of the main points I generally preach is that employee engagement and employee empowerment go hand-in-hand. People simply do not engage with things that they don't feel control over or ownership...

20 ways to be mindful at work

20 ways to be mindful at work Being mindful at work helps you reduce your stress, be more creative, communicate more effectively, focus with greater clarity, gain greater resilience, and experience greater overall well-being. All great things, right? The thing about...

Five ways to use mindfulness at work

  Five ways to use mindfulness at work When most people think of mindfulness, they usually think of a meditation, which is something that is hard to get away and do at work unless your office has a dedicated meditation space. However, mindfulness is merely the...

Not happy at work? Take control and create your ideal experience.

Not happy at work? Take control and create your ideal experience. Years ago, I was in a job I absolutely hated. The CEO was a raging narcissist and those who reported to her (one of whom I reported to) followed suit. The tone in any organization comes from the top,...

How to get buy-in for your ideas

How to get buy-in for your ideas Notice how some great ideas never made it past the initial concept, while other mediocre ideas seem to sail through with leadership on board? Sometimes, how you sell your ideas to decision makers to get buy-in is just as important as...

Find your perfect job. Or, better yet, create it!

  You can find (or create!) your perfect job. Not in love with what you do every day? Take control of your career and create your perfect job. Know what makes you happy So many people confuse not being miserable with being truly happy. Don't settle with simply...

Struggling with employee conflict? Don't ignore it!

Struggling with employee conflict? Have two employees that seem to be in constant odds with each other? The worst thing you can do is ignore it and hope it'll go away. Employee conflict not only causes everyone involved stress, it costs your organization money in...

Why the annual performance review doesn't work

Why the annual performance review doesn't work. When you're thinking about the annual performance review, it can be useful to think about a more concrete and objective goal: Losing weight. You might have a small goal like 5 pounds, or a bigger goal like 50. Either...