As 2018 comes to a close, it’s only natural to start thinking about what’s ahead and how you can support your team in the new year. Here are three ways I think organizations should be focusing their efforts to get the most bang for their buck.
Use mindfulness training to reduce stress
I literally wrote the book about mindfulness at work, so you know it’s a topic that’s top of mind for me! But according to the Human Capital League, it’s also going to be one of 2019’s hottest trends to help workers reduce their stress levels so that they can increase their productivity and improve their decision making.
Make team resiliency the new “employee engagement”
Did you know that less than 2% of all teams out there are highly resilient? For my money, investing in assessing the current status of your team, and creating actionable things you can do to get to the next level is one of the most profoundly beneficial things you can do. And the best part is when you’re building your team’s resiliency, you are going to fix some of those “employee engagement” problems as a natural part of the process.
Help your managers to create better work experiences
It’s an oldie, but a goodie – manager training is still an essential investment for any organization. Your managers are your linchpin, and the people that drive the culture of your organization. It’s so important they do their job well to get the most out of your most valuable resource – your people! Manager training is not just for new managers – it’s for all managers, even those with more experience because they can always add tools to their management toolbox (and may have a few bad habits to break!).
Want to bring one of these trainings to your team?
Let’s talk and come up with a plan for what that looks like.
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